Weird issue with new NPC names and titles

Hi guys! For terms of just testing I'm trying to duplicate Clarissa GK (NPC 30080).
For that, I copypasted NPC server side entry on (data/npc) and created a new custom NPC with ID 40038.

I modified NpcGrp_Classic.dat, copying and pasting Clarissa 30080 entry and modifying the ID, and I also copied NpcName_Classic-eu.dat using the same logic.
npc_begin    id=40038    name=[Clarissa2]    nick=[Gatekeeper2]    nickcolor=9CE8A9FF    npc_end

npc_begin    npc_id=40038    class_name=[LineageNPC4.a_teleporter_FHuman]    mesh_name=[LineageNPCs4.a_teleporter_FHuman_m00]    texture_name={[LineageNpcsTex3.a_Teleporter_Fhuman_re.a_Teleporter_Fhuman_re_t00];[LineageNpcsTex3.a_Teleporter_Fhuman_re.a_Teleporter_Fhuman_re_t01]}    texture_name_second={}    property_list={4416;14}    npc_speed=1.2    attack_sound1={}    defense_sound1={[MonSound.Hit_Normal_4];[MonSound.Hit_Normal_5];[MonSound.Hit_Normal_6];[MonSound.Hit_Normal_8];[MonSound.Hit_normal_12]}    damage_sound={[ChrSound2.npc_f_teleporter_dmg_1];[ChrSound2.npc_f_teleporter_dmg_2];[ChrSound2.npc_f_teleporter_dmg_3]}    deco_effect={}    quest={}    attack_effect=[LineageEffect.p_u002_a]    sound_vol=30    sound_radius=250    sound_random=30    social=1    hpshowable=0    dialog_sound={[Npcdialog2.human_F_normal_gatekeeper_01];[Npcdialog2.human_F_normal_gatekeeper_04];[Npcdialog2.human_F_normal_gatekeeper_05];[Npcdialog2.human_F_normal_gatekeeper_06];[Npcdialog2.human_F_normal_gatekeeper_07];[Npcdialog2.human_F_normal_gatekeeper_08]}    Silhouette=0    summon_sort=0    summon_max_count=0    summon_grade=0    drawscale=-1.0    use_zoomincam=0.0    npc_icon_name=[None]    sound_priority=0    ground_high=120    ground_low=50    collision_radius=13.0    collision_radius_2=13.0    collision_height=23.0    collision_height_2=23.0    slot_lhand=0    slot_rhand=0    slot_chest=0    org_hp=2444.46819    org_mp=1345.8    npc_type=1    npc_end
Config variables are set like this:

ServerSideNpcName = False
ServerSideNpcTitle = False
ServerSideMonsterTitleLvl = True

I also trying adding it to "non _classic" files, but I had not luck.
This is the result:
I might be missing something really stupid.

Please if you have any ideas tell me. (I know I can make it work by using another NPC and displayId but that's not the goal)

Thanks a lot!
That is completely game clinet side, you make something wrong on add your own NPC
Была такая трабла пол года назад, проблема в клиенте 100%. Попробуй сменить редактор файлов на другой, проверь сохраняются ли изменения
Ok guys thanks, for now I just can only make it display title and name by adding "displayId" on server side. but it display without colors. Can I add colors if I chose server-side names?
Ok guys thanks, for now I just can only make it display title and name by adding "displayId" on server side. but it display without colors. Can I add colors if I chose server-side names?
No you cant, color only on game clinet side.