Simple Adding Drop Event System

Rodrigo Santana da Silva

Report to Anatoliy:

Captcha System and Simple Adding Drop Event System:
Even when the player does not correctly enter the verification code on the Captcha System screen or enters it incorrectly, the "Simple Adding Drop Event System" continues to drop the items that are on the pre-configured list. This includes items from events like L2Collect Medal, L2DAY, etc. Even with the Capture Penalty punishment active, items continue to be dropped.

The AutoLootExcludeItemIds functionality is not correctly excluding items from events, such as L2DAY and L2Collect Medal, even when their IDs are included in the exclusion list. For example, the item with ID 6392 continues to be automatically moved to the inventory, despite being on the exclusion list.

DropEvent_Items and individual item drops:
Is there a way to make only one item drop at a time in DropEvent_Items? We've tried different formatting approaches, such as specifying the quantity as 1(100), but it seems that items continue to drop in groups. Even when trying to specify a smaller quantity, such as 20, for each item, the behavior doesn't change, it just takes longer for them to drop.


DropEvent_Rated = False:
We would like to better understand the purpose of the DropEvent_Rated configuration. What is its purpose and how does it affect the drop system during events?

When an item is dropped on the ground
Another point to be noted is when you let the items from the Simple Adding Drop Event System fall on the ground. The item drops from my character, the main character. I believe the most appropriate option would be for the item to drop from the monster we just defeated. It was a bit strange, in my opinion. For example, I killed the alligator, and the item dropped from me instead of dropping from the monster I just defeated. It simply fell at the character's feet. So, I've been thinking, maybe I should inform Anatoliy about this, to see if we can make some changes.

We appreciate your attention to these issues and look forward to your guidance on how to proceed with resolving them.

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