English community section


Hi everyone, sorry for English topic. I have a request for this board developer's. Maybe you can create section for English speaking customers? Just for example i wanna use this awesome project i think this project at this time is one of the best l2j project in the world. But for me really hard to use navigation and everything else (translate every word with translator it's really annoying) and i now not only i have this problem. Even be better to translate the entire site in English language not only in Russian.. Everyone i think be happy this project developers will get more customers and for customers be a lot easier to use this community board.

Thank you for wasted time.
I'm waiting for answer.

With respect Crown.
Hello, now i'm prepearing project on lucera 2 for EU people
I have already translated all main sections for english and if you need some help, write me, maybe i can help you.
My sykpe login urechko.andry