Buff Selling Service


Head Developer
Staff member
Voice Command: .sellbuff or .sellbuffs
Configuration: gameserver/config/services.properties
By default, the service is turned off.

######## Buff Selling Service ############
SellBuffEnable = False
Multiplier for the cost of MP for buffs
SellBuffMpCostMultiplier = 1
Item used as payment for buffs. You can change it to your own item
SellBuffPaymentID = 57
Minimum number of items for a buff
SellBuffMinimumPrice = 1000
Maximum number of items for a buff
SellBuffMaximumPrice = 100000000
Maximum number of buffs in the selling list
SellBuffMaxBuffs = 20

Path to XML: gameserver/data/sell_buff_list.xml

In this file, you add permitted IDs for the selling list:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "sell_buff_list.dtd">
<skill id="264" /> <!-- Song of Earth -->
<skill id="265" /> <!-- Song of Life -->
<skill id="266" /> <!-- Song of Water -->
<skill id="267" /> <!-- Song of Warding -->
<skill id="268" /> <!-- Song of Wind -->
<skill id="269" /> <!-- Song of Hunter -->
<skill id="270" /> <!-- Song of Invocation -->
<skill id="271" /> <!-- Dance of the Warrior -->
<skill id="272" /> <!-- Dance of Inspiration -->
<skill id="273" /> <!-- Dance of the Mystic -->
<skill id="274" /> <!-- Dance of Fire -->
<skill id="275" /> <!-- Dance of Fury -->
<skill id="276" /> <!-- Dance of Concentration -->
<skill id="277" /> <!-- Dance of Light -->

HTML: gameserver/html/scripts/services/sellbuff/

Dynamic strings: gameserver/data/strings/sellbuff.
sellbuff.emptylist=Your buff list is empty, please add a skill first!
sellbuff.titleIncorrectSize=Your title cannot exceed 29 characters in length. Please try again.
sellbuff.toBigPrice=Price is too high! Maximum price is {0}
sellbuff.PriceOfSkillsChanged=Price of {0} has been changed to {1}!

In advance... YES, I will add only to premium accounts in the configuration.

If there are more requests - write IN THE TOPIC, I will implement
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