Bypass url


Hello. J have small problem. J have critical error when click to button npc and NPC don't open website url.
Where is the problem ? (Interlude)
Thx for help.
but how do you explain that on localhost I have exactly the same thing as on server ? on server it works and on localhost not.
but how do you explain that on localhost I have exactly the same thing as on server ? on server it works and on localhost not.
no way, it's your imagination playing a cruel joke with you. Transfer from the working server HTML and check up.
That is only about HTML!
You can cleanup HTML and set only URL for check....
And I'm telling you that I have exactly the same thing because first I did in localhost and then copied to server
Maybe this is about SG protection ? I'm running out of ideas why this is happening
Yes of course you need support on game clinet side this mod, that why it cant be work